When a company like Cassa Padana, with over 130 years of history and a strong local presence, decides to renew its marketing approach, listening to its customers becomes a strategic priority. In this context, the collaboration with NeosVoc led Cassa Padana to explore new ways of analyzing and understanding the needs of its members and customers, achieving surprising results. Andrea Daffi, Chief Marketing Officer of Cassa Padana, shared in detail the experience and results of this partnership.

Who is Cassa Padana?

Cassa Padana is a cooperative credit bank that, since 2019, has been part of the Cassa Centrale Banca Group, born from the Cooperative Credit reform. With around 60 branches in the area, Cassa Padana’s mission is to meet the needs of its customers, always with an eye toward the common good, as stated in its tagline, “The common good is our good.”

To achieve this goal, Andrea Daffi explained how his marketing department focuses on analyzing customer needs. It is with this perspective that, over time, Cassa Padana has adopted new technologies and types of analysis, eventually deciding to collaborate with NeosVoc.

How the Collaboration with NeosVoc Began

One of the key factors that led Cassa Padana to seek NeosVoc’s support was the emergence of certain critical issues within its social base. It was necessary to analyze and address a growing gap between the brand and its members. The first step was to break the activity into three phases:

  1. In-depth Interviews: Specific interviews were conducted to better understand the needs of the members, divided into two main categories: young members and “differently young” members;
  2. Targeted Focus Groups: These focus groups allowed for direct insights from the two targets, deepening their opinions and perceptions;
  3. Survey: Following the interviews and focus groups, an email survey (CAWI) was sent to all members to explore the points of interest that emerged in the initial phases.

The NeosVoc platform proved so effective that, after this phase, Cassa Padana decided to extend the survey to its customer base as well, analyzing additional factors such as churn propensity and integrating innovative concepts like psychographics.

Unexpected Results: New Opportunities

One of the most surprising results from NeosVoc’s analysis was the identification of a customer base with a strong attachment to the brand, making them potential candidates to become members. This insight was unexpected and gave Cassa Padana the opportunity to create targeted communication campaigns to effectively transform these customers into members.

Another significant outcome was the implementation of daily surveys within the customer journey, which enabled the development of a Net Promoter Score (NPS) system. Thanks to these surveys, Cassa Padana was able to identify critical points and continuously improve the customer experience.

The Ongoing Use of NeosVoc

Andrea Daffi emphasized how NeosVoc has become a daily tool for Cassa Padana. What started as a Proof of Value (PoV) on specific topics evolved into the regular use of the platform for various types of surveys. The marketing team has gradually expanded its use of NeosVoc, implementing it in new use cases and adapting it to the company’s changing needs.

Why Andrea Daffi Recommends NeosVoc

When asked who he would recommend NeosVoc to, Andrea Daffi has no doubts: “I would recommend it to everyone.” The platform has a low barrier to entry, making it easy to start launching surveys and analyzing the results through an intuitive dashboard. According to Daffi, NeosVoc is particularly useful for mid-sized companies with an already structured marketing department that want to listen to the voice of their customers and proactively integrate feedback into their strategies.

Next Steps: Artificial Intelligence

Looking ahead, Cassa Padana plans to further expand the use of NeosVoc by introducing psychographic analysis and leveraging artificial intelligence models to improve customer understanding and optimize business performance.

The collaboration between Cassa Padana and NeosVoc has shown how continuous and structured customer listening can generate strategic value for a company. Through the use of NeosVoc’s technologies, Cassa Padana has been able to identify new opportunities and improve its relationship with members and customers, advancing a philosophy of continuous improvement.

And we thank Andrea Daffi again for his availability 😊

You can find videos of the talk on our YouTube channel.